Direct Interactions 1 Year Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Beloved Community Award Honor

Seattle, WA — Last year, Direct Interactions, a remote contact center company that prioritizes diverse hiring practices, received the esteemed Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Beloved Community Award from the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS).

This prestigious recognition celebrates organizations and individuals who exemplify Dr. King’s vision of a “beloved community” by fostering inclusivity, equity, and justice. Direct Interactions was honored for its innovative approach to employment and accommodating people from varying backgrounds with different barriers to traditional employment, offering meaningful job opportunities and creating a workplace culture that values empathy, compassion, and service.

“What can you say about the honor of being recognized for being consistent with Dr. King’s teachings and virtues?” Jonas Nicholson, CEO of Direct Interactions reflects. “The best way I can think of is to quote him directly. He once said ‘Everybody can be great, because anybody can serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.’”

Nicholson goes on to say that “Direct Interactions remains honored to have been recognized in this way. We are happy to provide our employees with meaningful service roles that can positively impact another human’s life and we strive to maintain a focus on commitment, caring, and compassion in everything we do.”

The award highlights Direct Interactions’ dedication to advancing social equity through purposeful hiring practices and its role in creating accessible, community-oriented employment opportunities. By providing people with disabilities, veterans, and caregivers with the tools and flexibility they need to succeed, Direct Interactions contributes to a broader mission of social good, reflecting the values that Dr. King championed.

The Washington State DSHS presented the award last year during their annual celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, where organizations and leaders across the state were acknowledged for their contributions to social justice and community building.

For more information about Direct Interactions and its mission to support people with disabilities, veterans, and caregivers through remote work opportunities, visit

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